Property Managers


Managing hundreds for properties is a serious responsibility. With our reliable industry tested software, we keep detailed records and provide automated reminds for property inspections. Don't worry RIC Safety Audits has got your back.

Property Managers are busy people, we understand this. RIC Safety Audits is your own personal assistant, we’ll keep you up-to-date on all the properties you manage so your can sleep soundly.RIC Safety Audits is your trusted partner to ensure your client’s properties are meeting their rental obligations to their tenants.

We liaise directly with your renter/s and promise to provide them with the same kind and considerate customer service you provide, and as a locally owned and operated business we offer fast and reliable service, without the long wait times.

Software Reminders

We use reliable, industry tested software that allows us to keep detailed records and set reliable reminders for us you too. So next year, right on time, you will receive an email letting you know you are due to for your next inspection.

We are local so we are quick

If we find any issues with your property we can organise rectification and maintenance work without the long wait times. We can also provide a quotation for any upgrade works or rectification work that may be required. If we are unable to provide this service we can help recommended the appropriate trade to you.

Detailed Reports

We provide detailed final reports to enable property owners and rental providers preferred contractors to quote required repairs quickly and efficiently. Our reports include information about, and recommendations for, works that will be required to be compliant with future implementations of the Residential Tenancy Regulations 2021.

Quality Assurance

We do internal auditing of our own audits to make sure quality control is maintained and we send multiple trades to the same site on the same day to prevent inconvenience for renters and property owners.

Upon completion of testing, a comprehensive report will be uploaded onto the Property Managers Portal, with recommendations for works that may be required as per the Residential Tenancy Regulations 2021.

Temporary Appliance Hire

Temporary appliances available to hire to provide a short term solution upon finding non compliant appliances to avoid unnecessary issues.

Inspection Services Include

Electrical Inspections

Gas Inspections

Smoke Detector Inspections

Our Focus

You can count on responsive, courteous service from highly skilled tradesmen who are knowledgeable in all aspects of the business. The RIC Safety Audits has been founded on a base level of compliance and safety, with all directors focusing on keeping property owners and renters safe and saving rental providers money with preventative maintenance and recommendations.

Our technicians’ expertise and professionalism are next to none. You will appreciate their efficiency, timeliness and unparalleled customer care. All directors have rental properties and know the effort that goes into looking after your properties, we are trying to make the process as smooth as possible and keep compliance.


Safety Focussed


Solutions Driven